gertie adelaido

Czech Republic

gertie adelaido is a non-binary open channel, sound experimentalist, artist and meta-punk & ADHD-core creator. Through the heart of chaos they combine different areas of harsh noise, raw experimental sound, their hardcore, metal & screamo roots, contemporary electronics, drums and blending it all to contemporary finished mix. gertie’s work might be a bit troublemaker in general since for HC it’s too experimental and for experimental too HC, but the final piece is an unique genre crossover and its expression of contexts. They scream, they sing, modulate voice, but most importantly they spread a message, fight for human and animal rights, all accompanied by harsh yet fragile melancholy. Gertie’s debut album ‘IMMORTALITY BETWEEN PARANOIA AND VIRUS’ will be out in early 2024, but presented almost the whole album already when supported Xiu Xiu, Leya, Dreamcrusher or at Creepy Teepee, Fluff Fest, No Glucose Festival and more.

First gob gob presents 2023 - Gertie Adelaido